(Please note that the following are based on the old syllabus which is currently used by 2025 Primary 3-6)

We have almost come to the end of term 4. Our kids are currently getting back their exam results, and for some of the parents with Primary 4 kids, there's one decision to make..

Should my child take up Higher Chinese at Primary 5?

I have compiled a list of  P1-P6 Chinese vs Higher Chinese 识写字 (words they are required to know how to WRITE) . Just click on the link or image below, it will bring you to the download page.  

And the gif below shows the difference between Chinese and Higher Chinese at each level.

*number of words required to know how to write

Do note that the above are only 识写字 words that they are required to know how to WRITE only, NOT inclusive of the words that the are required to know how to READ.

For P1 to P4, the amount of 识读字 (words students need to know how to READ) is the same for both Chinese and Higher Chinese.  For P1 to P3 识写字, the difference is not significant.

At P4 and P5, students taking Higher Chinese are required to know how to READ and WRITE much more words than students taking standard Chinese. Therefore there will be a learning gap to bridge for students taking standard Chinese at P4 and Higher Chinese at P5.

It is also worth noting that there are 2 extra units for P5 and P6 Higher Chinese respectively. 

Perhaps you can go through the 识读字 in the Higher Chinese Character List provided by MOE with your child, to have a feel of whether your child is ok reading them all (P1-P4).  Also from the list I've compiled, you can go through the P1-P4 words highlighted in grey (words that are required to know how to write for students taking Higher Chinese from P1). 

If you are undecided, according to some tutors suggestions that I've come across, they suggest taking it up and monitor, because there's nothing to lose. If the child is unable to cope, they can always drop the subject after a year.

Keep in mind that Higher Chinese grade will only come in useful if the child is applying SAP schools, and does not have any other extra benefits for the rest of the secondary school posting. 😊

Hope the above helps!