Primary School Edusave Learning Achievement, Academic Achievement, Scholarship, Character, EAGLES Awards...

Note that the information in this post is based on MOE website, and my own research and experiences. Please let me know if there is anything to be corrected. 😊

From MOE Edusave website: Awards are offered to Singapore Citizen students based on their character, leadership, conduct, learning dispositions and academic performance. 

There are total 5 types of edusave awards for primary school with monetary rewards:

Academic awards
(1) Merit Bursary (also, there's Education Merit Award by CCC-CDC, not by Edusave)
(2) Edusave Scholarship
(3) Good Progress Award
Non-academic awards
(4) EAGLES Award
(5) Edusave Character Award

Do note that for academic awards, each child is only eligible for one award

For example, 

If the child is awarded Edusave Scholarship, he/she will not be eligible for Merit Bursary. 

If the child is awarded Good Progress Award, means he/she did not fall within the criteria for Merit Bursary/Edusave Scholarship.

However, recipients for academic awards are still eligible for EAGLES Award and Edusave Character Award, because these 2 awards are non-academic and awarded through nomination.

The award monies will be credited to your child via PayNow on the day of ceremony/collection (January - March). So it is important to register PayNow for your child before the ceremony. The bank account can be under your child’s name or your child’s joint account with you. If your child do not have PayNow by then, he/she will receive cheque by end of May.

There are also 2 edusave certificates that do not have monetary rewards:

  • Edusave Certificate of Learning Achievement (Primary 1-2)
  • Edusave Certificate of Academic Achievement (Primary 3-6)

Edusave Certificates

The criteria for these certificates are similar to Merit Bursary but without the household income limitation. It is a recognition and celebration of the achievement for the students, and also the pre-requisite for Merit Bursary.

Edusave Certificate of Learning Achievement (Primary 1-2)

  • Students who consistently demonstrated positive learning dispositions in the course of the year, have demonstrated good conduct 

Edusave Certificate of Academic Achievement (Primary 3-6)

  • Students who are within the top 25% of their school’s level and course in terms of academic performance, have demonstrated good conduct 

Recipients will receive this certificate regardless of income. The form to apply for Merit Bursary is sent out together with this certificate in the same envelope to your letterbox, around late November - early December.


  • Primary 1 and Primary 2 - Positive learning dispositions, good conduct
  • Primary 3 to Primary 6 - Top 25% of cohort, good conduct


  • Receive certificate - End November to Early December

(1) Merit Bursary (EMB)

The purpose of Edusave Merit Bursary Award is to encourage students from modest background to continue to do well in their studies. 

If your child received Learning Achievement/Academic Achievement certificate and your gross household income is $7,500 or lesser, or per capita income is $1,875 or less, you will be able to apply for the bursary by declaring your household income.  (per capita income = gross household income divided by number of people in the household)

Within the envelope of the Edusave certificate you receive in your letterbox, you will see the certificate, a letter congratulating your achievement, informing you about the income criteria for Merit Bursary, and a form to fill in to declare your income that is to be submitted to your nearest Community Club/Centre by a certain date.

After submitting the application form to the Community Club, they will process it and then send you another letter (around late December) informing you about the date/time of the Edusave Award Ceremony -- held between January - March. (Due to Covid, some area have not hold a ceremony, or conducted it virtually for 2021 - 2022) If there is no ceremony, the letter will inform you on the date to collect the certificate from CC. 


  • Primary 1 and Primary 2 - Positive learning dispositions, good conduct
  • Primary 3 to Primary 6 - Top 25% of cohort, good conduct

Income Eligibility Criteria

  • (2022 and before)  GHI ≤ $6,900 or PCI ≤ $1,725
  • (2023 onwards) GHI ≤ $7,500 or PCI ≤ $1,875

Award Amount

  • Primary 1 to 3: $200
  • Primary 4 to 6: $250


  • Application - by Mid December
  • Mail on ceremony details - Late December
  • Edusave Award Ceremony - January to March
  • If no PayNow - to receive cheque by end May

If your income exceeds $7500  (or PCI exceeds $1,875)...

CCC-CDC Education Merit Award (EMA)

If your child receives the Edusave Learning/Academic Achievement certificate (top 25%) but your gross household income exceeds the ceiling, depending on where you stay, you may or may not receive CCC-CDC Education Merit Award.

This award is NOT under Edusave and not funded by MOE. It is co-sponsored by the Community Development Council (CDC) and the Citizens' Consultative Committee (CCC). It is dependent on your constituency budget and out of goodwill, to encourage the students to continue to work hard.  If your constituency is giving out Education Merit Award, the award may come in a form of PayNow/cheque or Popular voucher, ranging from $80 to $120, together with a certificate. Ceremony is typically held between February to May.

There is no need to apply for this award. As long as your child had received Learning Achievement / Academic Achievement certificate previously, and did not apply for EMB, and not a recipient of any other Edusave awards, you will receive a invitation letter to the award ceremony if there is one. However, I have heard of cases that got missed out. The advice one parent got from the CC staff was to just submit the form even if you exceed income, so that they will take note. I am not 100% sure of this but that was what I read.  My personal experience was I did not have to do anything, just had to wait for the letter.


  • Received Edusave Learning/Academic Achievement certificate
  • Exceed gross household income ceiling
  • NOT a recipient of 
    • Edusave Merit Bursary
    • Edusave Good Progress Award
    • Edusave EAGLES Award
    • Edusave Scholarship
  • Constituency-dependent - May or may not have
Award Amount
  • No fixed amount. Typically between $80 to $120
  • Either paynow/cheque or voucher
  • Out of good-will
  • Can either be held together with Edusave or a separate ceremony
  • Ceremony typically February to May
  • Constituency-dependent - May or may not have.

(2) Edusave Scholarships

Edusave Scholarship is for students who are within the top 10% of their school’s level and course in terms of academic performance, and have demonstrated good conduct. It does not have income eligibility criteria.


  • Primary 5 to Primary 6
  • Top 10% of cohort, good conduct
  • Regardless of household income
  • Government, government-aided and specialised schools

Award amount

  • $350


  • Receive letter - End November to Early December
  • Edusave Awards Ceremony - January to March
  • If no PayNow - to receive cheque by end May

(3) Good Progress Award (GPA)

Good Progress Award is for students who do not qualify for Edusave Merit Bursary but showed greatest improvement compared to the rest of the peers in the cohort. The top 10% of students who show the most improvement academically with good conduct will be awarded with this award. 

For Primary 2 students without exams, those who do not qualify for Edusave Merit Bursary, will be awarded with this award if they showed greatest improvement in learning disposition for the year among the rest of their peers in the cohort, and with good conduct.

This award does not have income eligibility criteria.


  • Not qualified for Edusave Merit Bursary
  • Showed greatest improvement
  • Good conduct

Award amount

  • Primary 2 to 3: $100
  • Primary 4 to 6: $150


  • Receive letter - End November to Early December
  • Edusave Awards Ceremony - January to March
  • If no PayNow - to receive cheque by end May

(4) EAGLES Award

EAGLES stands for Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service.

This award is for up to 10% of students from each school who have demonstrated leadership qualities, service to community and schools, excellence in non-academic activities, and good conduct.

Which means this award is given to outstanding students in non-academic aspects. There isn't a specific number of recipients for each level because it is up to 10% of entire school. Only Primary 4 to 6 is eligible, and is awarded through nomination by teachers. It does not have income eligibility criteria.


  • Primary 4 to 6
  • Leadership qualities
  • Service to community and school
  • Excellence in non-academic activities
  • Good conduct
  • Nominated by teachers

Award amount

  • $250


  • Receive letter - End November to Early December
  • Edusave Awards Ceremony - January to March
  • If no PayNow - to receive cheque by end May

(5) Edusave Character Award

Edusave Charater Award is given to up to 2% of students in each school who demonstrated exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions. It is awarded through nomination by teachers.


  • Outstanding personal qualities and character
  • Good conduct and behaviour
  • Nominated by teachers

Award amount

  • Primary 1 to 3: $200
  • Primary 4 to 6: $350


  • Receive letter - End November to Early December
  • Edusave Awards Ceremony - January to March
  • If no PayNow - to receive cheque by end May

To Register for PayNow

Check out MOE website for official Edusave Awards information, scroll to the bottom of the page for a comprehensive instructions on how to register your child for PayNow.